Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 7 - Principal Interviews

Week 7 - Principal Interviews
  1. Comment on your classmates' Principal Interviews
  2. Respond to classmates' responses to the case study..  
  3. Post a "What if" question on one of the two topics.
  • Case Study is due by July 28th.
  • We will meet the last night of class (July 30th) for research PowerPoint presentations.
I will makes comments to your post by Sunday evening. Next week's topic will be posted by Monday evening. Happy blogging..........


Desegregation and Teacher Transfer
A board of education in an urban school district of 160,000 students adopted a teacher-transfer pol-
icy in each of its schools to establish a racial composition that was within 10 percent of the racial
composition of the district population as a whole. This policy was not mandated by the court.
Essentially, this policy restricted voluntary transfer of black and white teachers to other schools
within the district but also required reassignment of other teachers. The policy was challenged by
the teachers’ association, which claimed a violation of teachers’ Fourteenth Amendment rights.

Discussion Questions
1. Does the teachers’ association have a valid claim? Why or why not?
2. Is the district justified in the formulation of this transfer policy? Why or why not?
3. Can teachers make a valid claim of disparate impact in this case? Why or why not?
4. Should the policy be race neutral? Why or why not?
5. Do you feel that such a policy is arbitrary and capricious? Why or why not?
6. How would the court likely view this policy?
7. What are the administrative implications.


  1. EDA 525 Interview Questions and Responses with Administrator (Part One)
    Mrs. Patricia Closson

    1. A student was referred for testing because he struggles academically and behaviorally. Per his current teacher and previous teachers, he was at least two years behind grade level. The results are in and he did not qualify for SSD Services. What legal responsibility does the school have to support this struggling student with regards to his education?
    The school has a responsibility to educate every child, providing them with the supports necessary to help them achieve. Because this student does not qualify for special school district services, his teachers, counselor, and administrator should make available to this student: tutoring, double-dosing (i.e., the student would take an Algebra I course during 3rd hour and an Algebra skills course during 6th hour), and other academic interventions as needed BEFORE reclassification becomes a reality.

    2. A teacher assistant in your building comes to you, in confidence, to complain about her teachers’ lack of behavior management in the classroom. How would you handle it?
    I would ask the teacher assistant if she has brought the concerns to her teacher. Pending her response, I would present the concerns to the teacher, allowing for her response and perspective. Based upon my own findings from drop-in observations and walk throughs, I would assist the teacher in making adjustments to her current classroom behavior management structure as needed. Additionally, I would facilitate a meeting between the teacher and her assistant. Despite her desire for confidentiality, it is important that these two have a positive, collaborative working relationship. Part of that working relationship begins with transparency and working through areas of opportunity.

    3.What would you do if an angry parent of the PTO came in unexpectedly to demand their child not be suspended for fighting because he has an Emotionally Disturbed diagnosis? She further states that his disability is related to his physical aggression.
    Despite a student's ED diagnosis, if a student fights, there are disciplinary consequences which typically include suspension. In this case, part of the discipline process would include a manifestation determination. Oftentimes, this situation would dictate that the student would be returned to school because his diagnosis would be a manifestation of his disability. Regardless of the child's disability, they are still subject to disciplinary action under the District Code of Conduct as result of their behavior.

    4.A 25-year veteran teacher who has been with the high school for her entire career has been slipping in her performance. In recent years, her reliability has become inconsistent due to difficulties in her personal life which causes her to be late to school on a regular basis. She has been inconsistent in her academic performance and has experienced classroom management difficulties. How would you handle this situation?
    I would offer support and assistance to this veteran, while being explicit about the fact that her full (mental, physical, and emotional) presence is vital to her students' success. This initial conversation would include facts and data to support my concerns. It is likely that a performance improvement plan, complete with benchmarks, supports, and deadlines) would be developed to support this teacher as she works to improve.

    1. I don't agree with the response she have for #2. If someone's comes to you in confidence and then you expose that person, how is that going to promote a good working relationship?

    2. I do see your point but since the students will be removed from the teachers class is helpful for the students.

  2. EDA 525 Interview Questions and Responses with Administrator (Part Two)

    5.You walk by the boy’s restroom during passing time and smell marijuana. There are at least 10 students in the restroom. What do you do?
    I would contact one or two additional administrators, security, and our school SRO to assist with the search process to look for marijuana or related drug paraphernalia. Additionally, each student would be interviewed to determine whom in the restroom, if any one, was smoking/ in possession of marijuana. Surveillance-camera footage outside the restroom would be reviewed to determine who may have entered the bathroom just prior to and during passing time. Based on the investigation outcome, appropriate disciplinary consequences would be given.

    6.A couple of high school students are extremely disruptive on the school bus. They refuse to follow the bus driver’s directives and are putting the student’s safety at risk. The bus driver demands the students to get off the bus immediately at a place that is not their regular stop. The student calls home, the parent calls you and demands assistance in getting the child home. Are you responsible? What do you do?
    Riding district transportation is a privilege and not a right. At the point that a student/ students jeopardize the safety of others on the bus, they forfeit their bus riding privileges. The driver should have brought the bus back to school, requesting that a school administrator meet the bus to remove the students and address their behavior. I would devise an alternative to get the students back to the school campus such as sending a security officer or another bus to get them. However, their parents would then be asked to pick up their child from school.

    7.Two students approach you, in confidence, and state that a particular teacher has been verbally bullying them about the academic ability and physical appearance. What do you do?
    The students would be asked to provide written statements which detail their claims. I would ask them if there are other students who have experienced similar interactions with the teacher or whom have witnessed the harassment. If there were any, I would interview them as well and obtain written statements. After collecting information, I would continue the investigation by meeting with the teacher to present the concern and my findings, allowing them an opportunity to respond. If the allegations were founded, I would take disciplinary action as appropriate in accordance with District policy. I would also take measures to adjust the students' schedules so that they were no longer assigned to this staff member, in the event that s/he continued to be employed with the District.

    8.What are the most crucial issues facing principals today? How do you deal with those issues?
    The most critical issues include: ensuring that ALL students achieve at high levels; fostering a safe, educational environment that is conducive to learning; garnering the most MSIP 5 data points possible; and meeting the varied needs of ALL students. I deal with these issues by putting the most qualified staff we can hire in front of students; dealing appropriately with disciplinary issues that impede the learning process; working with staff and supporting them with best practices and strategies to impact student outcomes; knowing our data and how best to attack it in order to improve; and being a resource for students, teachers, and families (i.e., offering community resources and services where needed).

  3. EDA 525 Interview Questions and Responses with Administrator (Part Three)

    9.What personal qualities do you think are important for a principal to possess?
    Principals must be: student-centered; excellent communicators and listeners; transparent; servant leaders; leaders of learners; organized; energetic; innovative; relational; empowering of others; results driven; transformational; supportive; resourceful; and multi-task oriented.

    10. How do you help staff improve student achievement?
    I begin by reviewing current reality with staff and identify areas of strength, as well as areas of opportunity. We then work collaboratively to determine which data will allow us to measure progress towards impacting challenging areas, in addition to establishing a timeline for monitoring our progress for meeting/ exceeding these goals. We then devise methods/ strategies for achieving improved student outcomes. Our PD opportunities and resources are also focused on achieving results. For example, if we have a building-wide goal of writing across content areas, our PD efforts and our financial and human resources will be allocated toward preparing staff to implement various writing strategies.

    11. What procedures do you have in place for you staff who work with students who have IEPs? Do you off PD with regards to IEP students? Is your staff prepared to support students with IEPs?
    Our SSD area coordinators and staff facilitate professional development focused on IEPs and proper IEP implementation. Any teacher, administrator, or counselor who assigned a student with an IEP, receives a copy of the IEP in the form of a profile sheet. It is expected that every staff member who works with IEP students follow the plan to the letter making accommodations as outlined. Failure to follow the IEP presents a legal situation which must be avoided in order to meet the child's needs, while protecting the school and District.

    12.How do you deal with teacher deficits?
    In order to address deficits, I collect data on the deficiency, so that I have objective information to share with the teacher. I then present my concerns, allowing them an opportunity to respond with their thoughts. My approach to working with staff through areas of opportunity is to provide support, encouragement, and resources (mentor/ buddy, PD, release time to observe master teachers, etc.). I also develop goals and timelines with the teacher to improve in these targeted areas. Sometimes our best efforts to improve teacher deficits do not yield improved results. If I am unable to help a teacher grow, then sometimes it becomes necessary to help them go.

    1. I agree with question 9 very good answer. All are really good questions and answers.

  4. Interview of Mr. Chauncey Granger
    How do you handle a situation where a parent shows up to pick up their child but they are not listed on the computer? Can you call and get verbal permission from the other parent?
    -Read them a policy and let them know why you cannot let them pick up the child. Be careful with your approach because they can become upset. Give information on how to get added in the system. Explain school board and state policy. Then call parent in system and let them know. You can get verbal permission but he does not like to do it. If you do get verbal permission, go through a series of questions with mom on phone and get driver’s license number to confirm answers on demographics page. Then log it into system.

    What is the procedure if a student comes to school and smells like marijuana?
    -It is possible that an adult was smoking in the car while the student was in it and not the student smoking. Ask student their hands together and then smell fingertips. Although this is not a conventional method, it is extremely difficult to remove the smell of marijuana from your fingers after smoking. If you believe it to be marijuana they do a search of student with security present in a separate room away from other people. If they confiscate anything let the Resource Officer know. Also take them to nurse and check pupils and then send them home. If nothing is found on that person it is difficult to punish the student.

    What would you do if there was an unidentified intruder with a weapon? Who would you notify first?
    -Immediately let security know and put school on lockdown by getting on PA system and immediately let school know that there is an intruder. They are not allowed to use code words. This allows students to prepare to defend themselves. He said it would be very difficult for this to happen since all doors are locked and you must be buzzed in by the main office.

    What would you do if you suspect that a staff member is under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
    -Call staff person in and have assessment done by nurse.Also notify Resource Officer. Then send teacher to Concentra to be drug or alcohol tested. If the test waspositive for drugs or alcohol, it would be up to Human Resources to decide if they will be further discipline.

    1. I find the principal's response about smelling the student's fingertips hilarious and a bit unorthodoxed. While I understand his logic, I cant help but think of the repercussions of students placing their fingers under your nose. I'm sure there has to be a schoolwide procedure that is supposed to be followed when investagting drug use.

  5. 5.
    Is there a criteria on how you can spend the money for your school?
    -Absolutely. He has a general budget from district, Title 1, and school improvement grant money. All three have different criteria. If you spend over $5,000 you have to get it approved by the school board. Make your budget the previous year. The criteria makes it easier for you. Tells you how and how much you can spend in each area.Instructional materials, building supplies, etc.

    If you have a good tenured teacher that is consistently tardy every day, how would you deal with him or her?
    -Try to talk to them first. Go through the process of verbal warnings. Then follow the write up process and go from there. He prefers not to ever have to terminate a teacher fortardies. He prefers being personable at all costs but sometimes you have to move forward with a write-up.

    As a newer principal, how would you handle a teacher that is clearly ineffective but for some reason the previous principals have been unable to terminate?
    -Be personable first before paperwork. He is willing to work with you if you are honestly open to new ideas. But if you are very ineffective they will try coaching you first and help you improve. He would also do more walkthroughs to see if the teacher is showing improvement, and have the teacher observe other teachers that are effective. But if he or she does not improve then you must follow the processof documentations. In a worst case scenario, the termination process would have to be looked at.
    What role do you play if there is a termination hearing? Include what forms of documentation or other items you would have to bring with you to the hearing.
    -Typically once it gets to this point it is past him and dealt with by district office. He may get called to the hearing but usually not. However, he and his administration are well trained on how to properly document things in case they do end up in court. They are always prepared to be called in to deal with lawyers and have to use their documentation to back up their decisions.

  6. 9.
    If you suspect that a student is hiding something illegal, what are the steps you would follow?
    -You would have them immediately searched. It is up to the discretion of the administrator. If he has a legitimate feelingthat the student is in possession of something then he is searching. He does not require probable cause and it is stated in the student handbook and signed by a parent at beginning of school year. If it is a female student he will have a female administrator search the student with security present.

    How would you handle parent complaints if they areunhappy with the way you are managing the school?
    -He is big on listening to the parents when they complainand likes to be very transparent. He treats his building like it like a business where you need to keep your customers happy. He does not allow screaming and cursing inside the building. If they do, he walks them outside so that it does not distract the school. He is used to dealing with that and wants his staff to know he has it under control and so that the staff does not feel threatened. After hearing a complaint he will do his best to deal with the issue.

    What would you do if you have a parent that demands being able to come up to school every day to sit in a particular class with her child?
    -He used to allow parents to come up frequently and sit in classes with their student but it became problematic. They ended up taking advantage of the situation and traveling to all of the classes and became a distraction to the learning environment. His new policy states that a parent is only allowed to come up a teacher plan period and get permission from the individual teacher to allow the parent to come into class and only that class. Must be escorted by security to and from that class.

    How would you handle a situation where a child is not eligible for free or reduced lunch but cannot afford to pay for their lunch?
    -Every child must eat. Sometimes he gives them money to eat or asks the lunchroom staff to just give the child food and the adults can figure it out later. No matter what he will make sure every child eats. It’s an adult problem and the student should not suffer.

  7. 1. The teachers’ association does have a valid claim because a district cannot force teachers to move schools or not be allowed to move schools based on someone's race. The teachers are being denied equal protection. There is no way this will stand.
    2. The district is not justified in forming this policy. I can understand why they might think about this policy in their head but to actually enact it is ridiculous. I don't even understand how this is possible to be honest. It seems like the district is implying that certain races are not effective in teaching the students in this district.
    3. The teachers can definately make a valid claim of disparate impact in this case. In this case, "Disparate impact" basically means that a rule or law might not be intentionally discrimitory but it affects a group of people based on their race. This is exactly what the district is doing. It does not seem like they are intentionally trying to be bad but they definately are. Hello lawsuits...
    4. To my understanding, Race neutral programs are designed to promote racial diversity. In this case study, it seems like they are doing just the opposite unless I am completely misunderstanding this.
    5. No, I do not think that such a policy is arbitrary and capricious. This does not sound like a random policy or something that can quickly change. I think that the district is probably trying to make a drastic change in order to meet the increasing higher standards of education. I think they thought this out for awhile and decided to be bold. Too bold I might add.
    6. I think the court would rule against the district because it is displaying disparate impact and violating teacher's rights based on race.
    7. The administrative implications for this case is that the district administration has little regard for the rights of their teachers and could possible cause many teachers to leave the district and make it hard to find high quality teachers to come teach in the district. I also believe the administration will face a very large lawsuit that could hurt them financially.

    What if a teacher is of a mixed race and the district tried to require he or she to transfer to a different school based on being of race "A". Could that teacher refuse and claim that she identifies more with race "B"?

    1. I Agree with your all your responses, But I would question the motive of the school district.
      What if question is a good one. I wonder how that would that play out. That would be a sticky situation. The school would really be in trouble. The district would probably make the teacher identify with one race which is going to be a problem for the school .

    2. I agree with your thoughts on number 2...there is an underlying impication that certain races are nit effective in teaching students in the district. If they feel that a teacher cant teach the children in that district, then they shouldn't have hired them at all.

  8. Discussion Questions
    1. I feel the teachers association does have a claim. The district cant force anyone to stay or leave especially base on grounds of race.
    2. No I don't feel the district is justified in the formulation of this transfer policy because its violates their rights. I also feel its illegal.
    3. Yes the teachers can make a valid claim that will disparately impact the case due to the teachers cant be forced to stay in the school district. The teachers have rights they cannot make a voluntary transfer of black and white teachers to other schools within the district but also required reassignment of other teachers. This sounds racist to me which opens the school district up to a lawsuit.
    5. I almost feel like the school board didn’t put enough time into thinking about this I kind of think it was a policy that is arbitrary and capricious. The decision is not reasonable they are violating the rights and opening themselves up to a lawsuit.
    6. I feel the courts likely would view this policy as racist and violating the rights of the teachers. The courts will most likely rule in the favor of the teachers.
    7. The administrative implications may be the school board could very well be in big trouble. I feel they may have tried to make a decision based on the needs of the children but its based on race which may racist and could open the school board open to a law suite.

    1. I agree with you, it seems as though the school board may not have taken in consideration what was fair or right for all its teachers in the long run. I do feel the board had good intentions and it wasnt racially motivated.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What if
    The the teacher was neither white or black and she wanted to transfer how would the school district deal with this person ?

    1. I agree with your answers. For the what if question, the scenario literally made it sound like this was a black and white issue. If you are of any other race I'm not sure how this would pan out. Do you have to provide some sort of family historical background to prove what background you come from?

  10. Interview Questions
    Ferguson Florissant school district Dr. Witherspoon

    1. How would you deal with a probationary teacher that I not able to do her job?
    First year teacher I would set down with him/her to make some goals for them to follow to improve their teaching skills. I then implement a mentor to assist the teacher. And make a Mobile set PB360. If there are no improvements I would set in place a professional growth plan. If I see there are some potential with the teacher I would look at possibly moving the teacher to a different room or age group.

    2. How would the principle deal with a veteran teacher that was an excellent teacher but the last two years begin to struggle with doing there job?
    The veteran teacher would be dealt with the same way but I there needs to be much more evidence. There would need to be a goals set in place for the teacher to follow. I would assist the teacher as much as possible by video taping, so they can see what they are doing, offering counseling because it may be something going on in there personal life that is affecting there teaching skills or even recommend they take some time off.

    3. How would you deal with a coach that is rude, cursing and showing bullying behavior to there students ?
    I would have a meeting with the coach to get his side of the story, I would speak to the teachers and students to investigate the complaints. If the coach is a veteran goal things would need to be done a little different due to him/her being a tenure teacher.

    4. How would you deal with a teacher what you felt was too close to his/her student? I would report my concerns to HR and also report that I am concerns but I would also report I don’t have any evidence. I would interview the student to make sure everything is OK then I wold speak to
    the teacher. I would inform the teacher that I have concerns I go over the rules and express concerns to the teacher. I would also sated what improvement I need to see and what I expect from my teachers.

    5. What would be the process for disciplining a teacher that is still on probation? The process would be for he teacher to have a development plan completed. Set expectations and If he teacher still have not improve there will need to be a district write up.

    6. How would you deal with a school counselor that is not doing her job that is a veteran ?
    The same way I would deal with the teachers they are under the same contract.

    7. How would you deal with a situation where teachers feels a school counselor is not doing her job and it is affecting them because they have to deal with students instead of sending them to the counselor ? I would see if its just once teacher or more than one. If its just one I would have a meeting with the teacher and counselor to try to see what is going on. I would state what I expect from the school counselor and the teacher to make sure we are on he same page.

    8. How would you deal with a student that is showing signs of being abused ? We are mandated reporters so I would have to ask questions and call in the crisis team to interview the students. I would also have the nurse meet with he student to look at he bruises and go by my hand book to make sure we are in compliance with the district guidelines.

    1. Number three reads as the coach is and has demonstrated these behaviors towards his students, but I felt the response did not specifically state what actions would be taken with this coach who treated his students in this matter.

  11. Interview Questions
    Ferguson Florissant school district Dr. Witherspoon
    9. How would you deal with a crisis in the school if a student lost a parent? I would have the school counselor check in with the student. To make sure they are ok and to see if they need to process this with the counselor. I would have the teachers observe the student to also make sure they are ok. If needed have a crisis team meet with them.

    10. How will a parent be dealt with that wants her son to graduate on time he is a senor with 4 credits. Have the parent meet with the school counselor first. Them we can all meet to explain to the parent how its not possible but to give them options for their child. I would show as much support as reasonably possible.

    11. What can be done to assist a student that had an accident and cant walk to school there parent cant bring them and they are not on the buss route to ride he buss?
    The student would meet with the counselor and have a 504 plan completed. The student will need to have a doctors statement completed then the buss can pick her up or have a cab bring her to school.

    12. How would the school deal with a teacher that comes to school with bruises and a black eye? The teacher will need to meet with me make sure she is safe a sable. I may request that she take a few days off to rest. I would recommend she meet with a counselor and I would want to confirm that they meet. I would also offer support to the counselor o make sure she/he is safe and sable.

    1. Those seem like standard good answers. I cannot say that I dislike any of the answers. Good job.

  12. Case Study
    1. The teacher's association has a valid claim. Courts agreed that students do not have a constitutional right to attend schools with a particular set of racial composition.
    2.When school systems where desegregating, many boards try to establish a racial balance among their falculty. By doing so school boards often adopted one of two approaches either matching the race composition of their student populations or emplying faculties that reflected the racial composition of the labor market. The district is not justified in formulating this transfer policy.
    3. Teachers can make a valid claim if there is a significant disparity in the provision of a benefit or service that is based on race, national origin, and the practice at the issue does not serve a substantial legitimate justification, which this case does not.
    4. I believe the teachers have a valid claim for disparate impact. The school board appeared to have no intent of discrimination, but it is.
    5. Im not 100% sold on race neutral policies. It seems as though race neutral policies perpetuate the currently existing inequities betwen black and white Americans.
    6. School board must utilize employment standards that are jobs related. If a school board hiring practices results and racial imbalance, or have a desperate impact on older, more experienced teachers, such practices can be legally challenged. In this case I feel the school board may have been somewhat arbitrary on the grounds if not being concerned for what is fair is right for the teachers. They have no input on their transfer, voluntary or involuntary.
    7. Impact upon the district could be a mass exiting of excellent and highly qualified teachers

    1. I definitely agree with you. This district would have a major lawsuit and create an enormous disruption to the learning process.
